By Dr. Harry Bloom, Founder and President, Benchmarking for Good, Inc.

Having conducted hundreds of interviews with parents of high school students as well as scores of focus groups with students it is clear that students are playing a major role in selecting their high school. It is further clear that they rely heavily on word of mouth recommendations from older students to shape their preferences.
This raises an important question: How can high school administrators increase the odds that their students will want to recommend their school?
Research on Drivers of Student Advocacy
Benchmarking for Good research with over 1400 high school students conducted over the past 4 months. Statistical analysis of survey results indicate that strong student ratings on the following 5 factors correlated most strongly with the propensity of students to strongly recommend their schools to friends:
Offering a Positive and Nurturing Environment for Students
Providing a Strong Social Community for Students to Belong To
Proactively Communicating About Students’ Situation and Priorities
Offering Strong Guidance Programs to Recommend Appropriate High Schools, Yeshivot/Seminaries, or Colleges
Teachers Paying Attention to Students’ Individual Learning Needs.
Implications for High School Administrators
It is vitally important for administrators to conduct student research to learn how their school’s performance is perceived on these key factors.
If scores in a particular attribute are lower than desired, administrators should acknowledge the results and declare an intention to strengthen school performance in the area in question.
As a next step, administrators should convene focus groups with groups of trusted students to gain an understanding of what changes might strengthen their schools’ performance and fit school cultural norms.
Plans to implement changes should be announced and short pulse surveys utilized to ensure the changes are perceived and achieving the desired results.
School leaders should announce and celebrate wins and thereby engender in students the perception that their views are respected. This will pave the way for continuous improvement fueled by research.
School leaders interested in gaining access to helpful action research in this key arena should contact Dr. Harry Bloom at to explore the potential for their participation in future Benchmarking for Good grant programs.